Staples Bostitch STCR5019 9mm 3/8 box 5000
T15C T68 staples T15 P6C-8 P6C-8P Special OPS
Staples Bostitch STCR5019 9.53mm 3/8 box 5000
10407311 STCR50195M 077914031802 10mm
For Bostitch T15 Heavy duty staple gun
10407311 Staples STCR5019 3/8 9mm 10mm Bostitch 077914031802 - box 5000 Fits P4-8, T5-8, T15c, H30-8 PC4000, PC5000, P6c-8, P6C-8P p6 P6C stapler Plier Bostitch P6C Bag Staplers t15 staples -
Fastener Crown Length Finish Galvanized Fits Bostitch Tools P50-5B, P50-5C Leg Length 3/8 P6C Bag Stapler / to find staples and stapler search for stcr5019s fits Stapler Plier Bostitch P6C Bag Stapler t15 staples STAPLER PLIER BOSTITCH P6C-8P p6-8c 10409410 t68 p6c8p